Best Pet-Friendly Indoor Plants for Your Space

Best Pet-Friendly Indoor Plants for Your Space

Best Pet-Friendly Indoor Plants for Your Space

There are two things we love deeply in life and love coming home to our Plants and pets! But the bad news is that many common indoor plants are unsafe for dogs and cats. There are some plants that can even be toxic to pets when ingested, sometimes causing seizures, tremors, or worse.

Even the most well-behaved pets are bound to take a bite of the gorgeous houseplants in your space at some point. So we are here to share a few plants that won’t harm your four-legged friends. We strongly endorse integrating greenery in your home to purify your air and improve the mood and energy of your space while also making sure your furry friend is safe, sound and cheerful. 


Also Check: 365 Days Flowering Plants in India.


Best Pet-Friendly Houseplants

Check out 7 best non-toxic plants that are safe for your cats and dogs:

1. Chamaedorea palm:

Best Pet-Friendly Indoor Plants


Chamaedorea palm, also known as the bamboo palm or reed palm, is considered to be non-toxic to pets, including cats and dogs. According to the ASPCA, Chamaedorea palms are safe for pets and do not pose a significant risk of toxicity if ingested.

However, it's always a good idea to monitor your pets when introducing a new plant into your home, as they may have allergies or sensitivities that could cause a reaction. Overall, Chamaedorea palm is a popular choice for pet owners who want to add some foliage and glam to their home without putting their furry pals at risk.

Check This: Best Indoor Plants For Oxygen


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It is a popular choice for pet owners. A non toxic plant to pets with air purifying properties.


2. Spider Plant:

Best Pet-Friendly Indoor Plants

Spider plants are safe for both cats and dogs, and they're great at purifying the air in your home. They are non-toxic and not known to cause any significant harm if ingested. In fact, spider plants are sometimes even recommended by veterinarians as a safe and natural way to help reduce indoor air pollution.

However, if your pet has a habit of chewing on plants, it is always best to keep the spider plant out of its reach to prevent any accidental ingestion or damage to the plant. As always, it is a good idea to monitor your pets around plants and consult with your veterinarian if you notice any unusual behaviour or symptoms after exposure to a plant.

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Bring home one of the most pet friendly plant that helps to reduce air pollution at your home.


3. Bamboo:

Best Pet-Friendly Indoor Plants

Bamboo Plant is generally considered safe for pets such as dogs and cats making them great for filling a large space. Bamboo is non-toxic and not known to cause any significant harm if ingested. However, if your pet chews on the leaves or stalks of the bamboo plant, it could cause irritation in the mouth or gastrointestinal tract.

It's a good idea to monitor your pets around plants and keep the bamboo plant out of their reach if they have a habit of chewing on plants. If you notice any unusual behaviour or symptoms after exposure to a plant, it's always a good idea to consult with your veterinarian.


Bring a pet-friendly lucky bamboo plant in your home. It symbolises luck and prosperity.


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4. Boston Fern:

Best pet Friendly indoor plants


Boston ferns (Nephrolepis exaltata) are non-toxic to pets and can help to remove pollutants from the air. They are a popular indoor plant choice that is known for their lush green foliage and attractive fronds. They are relatively easy to care for and can help to purify the air in your home.

They are non-toxic and won't cause any harm if ingested by pets. However, some pets may still try to nibble on the leaves or fronds, which can cause an upset stomach or mild gastrointestinal symptoms like vomiting or diarrhoea. If you have a curious pet that likes to chew on plants, it's best to monitor them closely around your Boston fern and provide them with plenty of other safe chew toys and distractions.

Overall, Boston ferns can be a great addition to your home decor, and they won't pose any significant risk to your pets.

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5. African Violet:

Best pet friendly indoor Plants


African violets (Saintpaulia) are safe for pets and come in a variety of colours, making them a beautiful addition to any home. are safe and relatively easy to care for.

They are not toxic to dogs or cats and also produce beautiful flowers that add a splash of colour to your home. They are also in demand because they bloom in low light and thrive in environmental conditions like moderate temperatures and average humidity.

However, it is important to note that some pets may still have a reaction to the plant if they ingest it, such as mild gastrointestinal upset. To minimize the risk of your pets ingesting the African violet plant, you may want to consider placing it in an area that is not easily accessible to your pets. Additionally, you can train your pets to avoid the plant by using positive reinforcement techniques. 

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6. Pachira Money Tree:

best pet friendly indoor plants.

Pachira Money Tree also known as the Guiana chestnut or Malabar chestnut, are safe for pets and is believed to bring good luck and prosperity. The Pachira money tree is a popular and safe choice for pet owners who want to add some greenery to their homes without putting their furry buddies at risk.

As always, if you notice any unusual behaviour or symptoms after exposure to a plant, make sure to consult with your veterinarian.


Bring home this popular and safe plant for your pets that also symbolises good luck and prosperity.


7. Areca Palm:

Best pet friendly indoor plants

Areca palms are safe for pets and can help to add a tropical vibe to your home. Areca palm is considered to be non-toxic to pets such as dogs and cats. It is safe for them to be around and does not pose a significant threat if ingested.

However, as with any plant, if your pet chews on the leaves or ingests a large amount of the plant material, it could cause mild gastrointestinal upset, such as vomiting or diarrhoea.


Buy this non-toxic pet friendly plant that gives a stunning look to your space.


Also Check This: Everything About Rajnigandha Flower Plant


8. Calathea:

Best pet friendly indoor plant

Calathea has stunning foliage coming in endless patterns and colours, including every shade of green, silver, yellow and claret, the Calathea or Peacock plant as it is also known is one of the most striking pet-friendly plants.

To minimize the risk of your pets ingesting the Calathea plant, you may want to consider planting it in an area that is not easily attainable to your pets. Additionally, you can train your pets to avoid the plant by using positive reinforcement techniques.


Buy this stunning calathea peacock, that is safe for your furry babies.


These are just a few best examples of pet-friendly plants, that are safe for your furry buddies and amplify the aesthetic of your home with their lush texture.


Can you keep toxic plants with cats and dogs?

It is not recommended to keep toxic plants around pets as they can be harmful or even fatal if ingested. You can train your pets to avoid the plant by using positive reinforcement techniques but it might add risk to your furry pal’s life.

Which Large Indoor Plants Are Pet-Safe?

Some pet-safe large indoor plants include areca palm, Boston fern, rubber plant, and parlour palm. It is always important to research the toxicity of any plant before bringing it into a home for your pets.

Which Indoor Plants Are Safe Around Pets?

Chamaedorea palm, Spider Plant, Pachira Money Tree, Calathea, Bamboo, Burro's tail, Ponytail palm, Areca Palm, African Violet, and Boston Fern are the best Indoor Plants that are Safe Around Pets. 


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Greenkin is just awesome. If you are a plant lover and love to have exotic, good quality, healthy indoor plants just blindly go for Greenkin.

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Both plant and pot are very good quality. I am impressed with Greenkin. Had ordered 3 plants, all are very healthy.

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- Debdip Roy

I am beyond delighted to see that the plant was perfect. It came in excellent condition. It looks healthy and gorgeous.

- Prachi Awasthi

I was so happy with my purchase that I immediately placed another order for a bundle of plants.

- Vinod

I tried Greenkin for the first time, and what an experience! superb quality plant and very nice packaging. You are my new favorite place to order plants online.

- Ratna Shah

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