benefits of bamboo plant

Bamboo Plants : Health and Vastu Benefits of Bamboo Plant

Benefits of Bamboo Plant


For many years, people have preferred bamboo plants as interior plants. They are not only beautiful and aesthetically charming, but they are also known to have several Vastu and health benefits.

Let's read this blog together to discover the many benefits of bamboo plants and how they may improve your physical and mental health as well as fill your house with positive energy.


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Buy this aesthetically charming lucky bamboo plant that brings positive energy and good luck into your home. It helps to improve your mental and physical well being.



Bamboo Plant Benefits:

 Benefits of Bamboo Plant

Bamboo plants are considered to improve the quality of the air, reduce stress, and increase productivity. Bamboo plants are a terrific choice for indoor plants because they not only have a stunning appearance but also offer a number of benefits such as looks, energy and prosperity. Bamboo plants are well-liked by busy people like us since they are easy to care for and may flourish in a variety of conditions.


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Bamboo Plant Detail - Quick Facts:


Bamboo plants are members of the grass family and are known for their fast growth and durability. Bamboo plants can grow up to 91 cm in a single day, making them one of the fastest-growing plants in the world. Bamboo plants are also incredibly resilient and can withstand extreme temperatures and weather conditions.

Common names

Lucky bamboo, ribbon plant, dracaena sanderiana and friendship bamboo

Botanical name

Dracaena sanderiana



Plant type


Mature size

Can grow up to 3-6 feet tall

Flower colour

Rarely flowers, but if it does, the colour is white or yellow


West Africa and widely cultivated in Southeast Asia

Common shapes of lucky bamboo

Straight, curly, braided, and twisted

Size (when fully grown)

can grow up to 3 - 6 feet tall

Sun requirements

Indirect or filtered sunlight, as direct sunlight can scorch the leaves

Soil requirements

Moist / Damp



Health Benefits of Lucky Bamboo Plant:

 Benefits of Bamboo Plant

Lucky bamboo plants are a popular choice for indoor plants and are commonly known to offer several health benefits. Lucky bamboo plants are believed to help reduce stress levels and increase focus and productivity.

Studies have shown that lucky bamboo plants can remove up to 87% of harmful toxins from the air, making them an excellent choice for people who suffer from allergies or respiratory issues. The rustling of bamboo leaves can help to reduce stress levels and create a tranquil living space for you.


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Lucky Bamboo Benefits: Why Are Bamboo Plants Lucky?


Bamboo plants, also known as lucky bamboo, are believed to bring good luck and positive energy according to the principles of Feng Shui and Hinduism. 

In Hinduism, bamboo plants are considered lucky because they are associated with Lord Ganesha, the remover of obstacles and the god of good fortune. Ganesha is often depicted holding a bamboo shoot or seated on a throne made of bamboo.

Moreover, the number of stalks of lucky bamboo can also have different meanings. For example, three stalks symbolize happiness, wealth, and longevity, five stalks represent the five elements of life, and eight stalks signify growth and abundance.



Vastu Benefits of Bamboo Plant:


In Vastu Shastra, an ancient Indian science of architecture, bamboo plants are believed to bring positive energy and good luck into the home. According to Vastu, placing bamboo plants in the eastern or southeastern direction of the home or workplace can help attract wealth, success, and prosperity.



Different Names for Lucky Bamboo

 benefits of bamboo plant

Lucky bamboo plants are also known by several other names, including 

  1. Dracaena Sanderiana
  2. Friendship Bamboo
  3. Ribbon Plant
  4. Curly Bamboo

These names reflect the different types of lucky bamboo plants available, each with its unique characteristics and symbolism.

For example, a plant with curly leaves is said to represent flexibility and adaptability, while a plant with straight leaves represents strength and resilience. 



Lucky Bamboo Benefits as per Feng Shui


In Feng Shui, a Chinese system of harmonizing with the environment, lucky bamboo plants are believed to bring positive energy and good luck into the home or workplace. Feng Shui practitioners recommend placing lucky bamboo plants in the east or southeast corner of the home or workplace to attract wealth, prosperity, and good luck.

In Feng Shui, the number of stalks in a lucky bamboo plant is also believed to have different meanings. For example, a plant with two stalks represents love and harmony, while a plant with eight stalks represents abundance and prosperity.


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Bamboo plants are not only beautiful to look at, but they also offer several health and Vastu benefits. Bamboo plants are a versatile and easy-to-care-for indoor plant that offers many benefits for physical and mental health. Whether you're looking to create a peaceful and tranquil living space, reduce stress levels, or attract good luck and prosperity, a lucky bamboo plant could be just what you need. So why not consider adding a bamboo plant to your indoor garden and experience the many benefits for yourself?





Q1. Is bamboo lucky for wealth?

Ans. Yes! Keeping a bamboo plant in your home or office can bring positive energy and prosperity.


Q2. What's the difference between bamboo and lucky bamboo?

Ans. Bamboo is an outdoor plant that grows up to be quite large and majestic. Lucky bamboo, on the other hand, is a type of houseplant that is said to bring wealth.


Q3. Is it bad luck if your lucky bamboo dies?

Ans. No, according to science nothing bad can happen if your lucky bamboo dies, but in some cultures, it is believed that the death of a lucky bamboo plant can indicate that negative energy in the home or office. 


Q4. Can one keep the lucky bamboo plant on the workstation desk?

Ans. Yes, you can keep a lucky bamboo plant on your workstation desk. In fact, keeping it in the workplace can help to promote productivity, creativity, and positive energy. 

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Greenkin is just awesome. If you are a plant lover and love to have exotic, good quality, healthy indoor plants just blindly go for Greenkin.

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Both plant and pot are very good quality. I am impressed with Greenkin. Had ordered 3 plants, all are very healthy.

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At last! Pleased that I finally received what I hoped for. My plant is glowing. Thank you for giving me hope.

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I had ordered 4 Aglaonema plants a month ago. The plants were very healthy and well-packed. Plants from other sellers have never lasted so long.

- Kamesh

Very nice packaging. The plant is very healthy and super! This is my new favorite site.

- Dinesh Yegireddi

Bought 2 Anthurium plants. Received the plants in perfect condition with beautifully crafted cotton vase. Simply loved it.

- Debdip Roy

I am beyond delighted to see that the plant was perfect. It came in excellent condition. It looks healthy and gorgeous.

- Prachi Awasthi

I was so happy with my purchase that I immediately placed another order for a bundle of plants.

- Vinod

I tried Greenkin for the first time, and what an experience! superb quality plant and very nice packaging. You are my new favorite place to order plants online.

- Ratna Shah

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