Best indoor plants for the living room

17+ Best Indoor Plants For The Living Room

Best Indoor Plants for Living Rooms in India



Indoor plants not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of your living room but also provide numerous health benefits. They purify the air, reduce stress, and create a calming ambience. However, choosing the right indoor plants for your living room can be a daunting task.

In this article, we will explore the best indoor plants for the living room in India, considering factors like size, placement, and maintenance requirements. So, let's delve in and discover the perfect green companions for your living space!

Is it Good To Have Indoor Plants in The Living Room?


Yes! Indoor plants not only enhance the visual appeal of your living room but also offer numerous health benefits. They improve air quality by removing toxins and releasing oxygen, which can have a positive impact on your overall well-being. Additionally, plants create a sense of tranquillity and help reduce stress, making your living room a more relaxing space to unwind.


Check This: High Oxygen Producing Indoor Plants.

Best Indoor Plants For The Living Room

Large Plants for Living Room Corners And Near Seating (Sofa Sets)

1. Monstera Deliciosa:


Best indoor plants for the living room

Monstera Deliciosa is a popular choice for larger living rooms and is known for its iconic split leaves. Its lush foliage adds a tropical touch, making it a statement piece in any corner or near seating areas.


Buy this beautiful Monstera plant and transform any dull corners of your living room. It brings a touch of elegance and a tropical vibe to the corners of your space.


Also Check: 365 Days Flowering Plants In India

2. Areca Palm:


Best indoor plants for the living room


Enliven your living room with a tropical oasis of the Areca Palm. This palm boasts feathery fronds that exude an air of elegance and impart an invigorating ambience to your space.


Buy this graceful areca palm with feather like foliage and transform any living room space. It brings a touch of elegance and a tropical vibe to the corners of your space.

3. Fiddle leaf:


Best indoor plants for the living room

Behold, the Fiddle Leaf Fig - a stylish indoor plant with a violin-shaped leaf that exudes an air of charisma and elegance. Placed in well-lit nooks, it showcases a dramatic and sophisticated flourish into your living quarters.


Buy this stylish indoor plant with violin shaped leaves. It showcases a dramatic and sophisticated look into your living space.


Also Check This: Best low Maintenance Plants In India  


Best Plants For Adding a POP of Colour to TV Units


1. Aglaonema Pink Anjamani:


With its vibrant pink and green leaves, the Aglaonema Pink Anjamani is a perfect choice for adding a pop of colour to your TV unit. This beautiful plant thrives in low to medium light conditions, making it an ideal choice for indoor settings.


Buy our top selling, stunning aglaonema anjamani plant. It instantly adds a vibrant and pop of color to your living space under any low-medium lighting conditions. 

2. Aglaonema Red Lipstick:


Best indoor plants for the living room

Another stunning variety of Aglaonema, the Red Lipstick features bold red leaves with green accents. Placing this plant near your TV unit adds a striking visual element to your living room, making it a focal point of attention.


Buy our stunning aglaonema red lipstick plant. It instantly adds a bold, vibrant and pop of color green and red to your living space.


Also Check: Best Low Light Hanging Plants 

3. Money Plant Golden:


Best indoor plants for the living room

The Money Plant, also known as Pothos or Devil's Ivy, is a popular choice for indoor spaces. Its cascading vines and vibrant golden leaves bring a touch of liveliness and freshness to your living room, especially when placed near the TV unit.

Buy the money plant golden with vibrant green foliage and cascading vines that adds a touch of elegance to your living rooms. It is one of the best Vastu plants.


Plants To Add to Your Coffee Table


1. Calathea Peacock:


Best indoor plants for the living room

The Calathea Peacock is prized for its stunning foliage with vibrant shades of green and deep purple undersides. This plant adds a touch of elegance and exoticism to your coffee table, creating a captivating focal point.


Buy this beautiful Calathea Peacock with stunning foliage. This plant adds a touch of elegance and beauty to your table tops, creating a captivating focal point


Check This: Best Indoor Plants as Per Vastu 

2. Peperomia Variegated:


Best indoor plants for the living room

With its attractive variegated leaves and compact size, the Peperomia is an excellent choice for small coffee tables. It requires minimal maintenance and adds a subtle touch of greenery to your living room decor.


Buy this beautiful pet-friendly plant. Its beautiful foliage can brighten up any dull space and keep your pets safe as well.

3. Anthuriums:


Best indoor plants for the living room

Anthuriums are popular for their vibrant and long-lasting flowers that come in various colours, including red, pink, chocolate, and white. Placing a vase of Anthuriums in your living room adds a burst of colour and elegance to the space.


Buy our top selling and popular good luck plant with vibrant and long lasting flowers. Placing  a anthurium mini red in your living room adds a burst of colour and elegance to the space.


Also Check This: Best Plants For Birthday Gift 

4. Adenium:


Best indoor plants for the living room

Adenium, also known as Desert Rose, is a beautiful flowering plant that thrives in bright light conditions. While it requires some direct sunlight to bloom better, it rewards you with stunning flowers. Adding an Adenium plant to your living room brings a touch of exotic beauty.


Buy our best selling stunning flowering plant that thrives in bright light conditions. Adding an Adenium plant to your living room brings a touch of exotic beauty.

5. Peace lily:


Best indoor plants for the living room

Peace lilies are known for their attractive dark green foliage and white flowers. They come in various sizes, but we recommend the XL variety, which features large white flowers measuring around 7 inches. Peace lilies are easy to care for and create a serene and tranquil atmosphere in your living room.


Buy our hot selling, elegant peace lily plant with beautiful white flower. This plant not only adds beauty to your living room but also symbolizes peace and prosperity. 


Also Check: Rainy Season Flowers In India 


Creating The Zen Vibe

1. Ginseng Bonsai:


Best indoor plants for the living room

The Ginseng Bonsai is a miniature tree with twisted trunks and lush green foliage. It symbolizes harmony and balance, making it a perfect choice for creating a Zen vibe in your living room.


Buy this elegant miniature tree Ginseng Bonsai that is a symbol of harmony and balance. It adds a touch of elegance and tranquillity to your living space. 

2. Aglaonema Milky Way:


Best indoor plants for the living room

The Aglaonema Milky Way is a unique indoor plant with speckled leaves resembling a starry night sky. Its enchanting appearance adds a touch of mystique and tranquillity to your living room, helping you create a soothing atmosphere.


Buy this unique indoor plant with speckled leaves resembling a starry night sky. It adds a touch of mystique and tranquillity to your living room.


Also Check This: Most Beautiful Flowering Shrubs in India


Best Living Room Indoor Plant For Decoration


In addition to choosing the right plants, how you decorate your living room with indoor plants can significantly impact the overall aesthetics. Here are a few ideas:

  • Hanging plants: Hang trailing plants like Devil's Ivy or String of Pearls from the ceiling or shelves to create a cascading effect, adding vertical interest to your living room.
  • Plant stands: Utilize plant stands or pedestals to elevate your indoor plants, creating varying heights and visual appeal.
  • Grouping plants: Arrange plants in groups of varying sizes and textures to create a lush and vibrant display.
  • Terrariums: Incorporate terrariums with miniature plants and moss for a unique and captivating living room centrepiece.


    Also Check This: Best Indoor Pet Friendly Plants.


    Tips To Take Care of The Living Room Indoor Plants


    Here are some tips in order to ensure your indoor plants flourish and remain healthy in your living room:

    • Lighting: Various plants require varying amounts of light. Position your plants in spots that offer a fitting amount of light, whether it's bright, indirect light or low light ambience. Keep a vigilant eye on your flora's particular necessities to ensure optimal growth.
    • Watering: In order to nurture your indoor plants demands a well-tailored watering regimen. Investigate the water needs of each plant and water it accordingly. Beware of overwatering, as it can lead to root rot, and underwatering, which can cause the plants to wither
    • Humidity: Numerous indoor plants thrive in humid environments. Increase humidity levels by misting the leaves or placing a tray filled with water near the plants. Grouping plants together can also create a microclimate with higher humidity.
    • Temperature: Most indoor plants prefer moderate temperatures ranging from 60°F to 75°F (15°C to 24°C). Avoid placing plants near drafts or extreme temperature fluctuations.
    • Fertilization: Feed your indoor plants with a balanced fertilizer to provide essential nutrients. Follow the recommended dosage and frequency according to the plant's needs.
    • Pruning: Regularly trim and prune your indoor plants to maintain their shape and promote healthy growth. Remove any yellowing or dead leaves to prevent the spread of diseases.
    • Pest control: Monitor your plants for pests such as aphids, spider mites, or mealybugs. If detected, treat them promptly with organic or chemical solutions to prevent infestations.

    Remember to observe and respond to the specific needs of each plant, as individual species may have unique care requirements. 


    Also Check: Best Plants For Corporate Gifiting




    Introducing indoor plants into your living room not only enhances the aesthetic appeal but also contributes to a healthier and more inviting environment. From large statement plants to vibrant flowering varieties, there are numerous options to suit your preferences and create the perfect green sanctuary in your living space. With proper care and attention, your indoor plants will thrive and bring joy for years to come.

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    15,000+ Smiles Delivered

    Greenkin is just awesome. If you are a plant lover and love to have exotic, good quality, healthy indoor plants just blindly go for Greenkin.

    - Sayanti Sikder

    Both plant and pot are very good quality. I am impressed with Greenkin. Had ordered 3 plants, all are very healthy.

    - Shobhit Gurung

    I'm totally blown away with the packaging and handling of the plant. They are practically treated with care like one would extend to a child.

    - Asmita Patwardhan

    At last! Pleased that I finally received what I hoped for. My plant is glowing. Thank you for giving me hope.

    - T. Mullick

    I had ordered 4 Aglaonema plants a month ago. The plants were very healthy and well-packed. Plants from other sellers have never lasted so long.

    - Kamesh

    Very nice packaging. The plant is very healthy and super! This is my new favorite site.

    - Dinesh Yegireddi

    Bought 2 Anthurium plants. Received the plants in perfect condition with beautifully crafted cotton vase. Simply loved it.

    - Debdip Roy

    I am beyond delighted to see that the plant was perfect. It came in excellent condition. It looks healthy and gorgeous.

    - Prachi Awasthi

    I was so happy with my purchase that I immediately placed another order for a bundle of plants.

    - Vinod

    I tried Greenkin for the first time, and what an experience! superb quality plant and very nice packaging. You are my new favorite place to order plants online.

    - Ratna Shah

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