Best Stress-Relieving Plants for Offices and Workspaces

Best Stress-Relieving Offices and Workspaces Plants

Plants to Relieve Stress in Offices and Workspaces 


Stress less, enjoy the best. Have it all with a hint of green. We have figured out how


Do Plants in the Office Reduce Stress?


Living in spaces that are designed to support human health and wellness constitutes a great indoor experience for sure.

Here are the following benefits of integrating plants into your workspace:

  • Stress Reduction has been reported time and again with keeping greenery around and having the natural touch in our surroundings. 
  • Increase in cognitive performance as humans are attuned to perform better in natural supported environments in comparison to concretised indoor spaces. 
  • Plants support sustainable living in better spaces 
  • Builds up a positive preference in general attitude. 
  • Uplifts mood and boosts creativity.

Read on to find the best plants to include in your office. 



Best Stress Relieving Plants for Office 


Here's our list of stress relieving plants for your office:

1. Baby Rubber Red Edge 

Best Stress-Relieving Plants for Offices and Workspaces - Baby Rubber Red Edge

Baby Rubber Red Edge is known to bring in good luck and adds a relaxed aesthetic charm by creating an effect of lightness and dilution in spaces. 

Pro tip: Keep the plant in low to medium direct sunlight.

Also Read: How to pick the right pots for your plant


Gift this beautiful plant  that is known to bring in good luck and adds a relaxed aesthetic charm by creating an effect of lightness and dilution in spaces. 



2. Calathea Peacock

Best Stress-Relieving Plants for Offices and Workspaces - Calathea Peacock

Calathea Peacocks are excellent plants, to feel care and calmness. By adding a fresh touch of green Calathea to your office and bringing in renewal all along. 

Pro tip: To keep them moist and fresh is the key.


Gift this beautiful Calathea Peacock with stunning foliage. This plant adds a touch of elegance and beauty to your workspace. Add a fresh touch of green Calathea to your relationship and bring in renewal.


3. Money Plant Gold King

Best Stress-Relieving Plants for Offices and Workspaces - Money Plant Gold King

The Money Plant Gold King gets its name from the bright green leaves adorned by splashes of cream-gold patterns that give the foliage a unique dimension. It is one of the most beautiful money plant varieties for office spaces and workspaces. 


Buy our ne of the most beautiful money plant varieties for office spaces and workspaces.  



4. Chamaedorea Palm 

Best Stress-Relieving Plants for Offices and Workspaces - Chamaedorea Palm

As a plant that’s not very finicky, it makes a great choice for easy care . Planning to bring a Chamaedorea Palm to make a statement in your office? The Chamaedorea Palm is known for its typical tropical vibe and would make a great choice if so. 

Pro tip: It does well in bright and moderately bright spots.


The best plant to keep in the corners of your room that helps to cleanse the air and is easy to care.



5. Oxycardium Brasil

Best Stress-Relieving Plants for Offices and Workspaces - Oxycardium Brasil


Oxycardium Brasil, also known as the Heartleaf Philodendron, is a pretty little plant known for its exotic heart-shaped leaves. The many shades of green on the leaves and the lively variegations make this plant an eye-grabber, it helps to create a calming effect by lightning the atmosphere.  

Pro tip: The leaves are gentle and prone to get scorched when the plant is exposed to direct sunlight. 

Checkout these other Small Plants for finding the one that suits your needs. 


Buy this a pretty little plant known for its exotic heart-shaped leaves. The many shades of green on the leaves and the lively variegations make this plant an eye-grabber.


6. Snake Plant

Best Stress-Relieving Plants for Offices and Workspaces - Snake Plant


The snake plant is known to have a swathed aura of good luck and positivity around it. Snake plants are undemanding and are easy to upkeep. Therefore, having snake plants around will make for a happy workplace. 

Take a look at Snake Plant Hahnii and Snake Plant Whitney

Pro Tip: Occasionally, wipe off the large flat leaves of your Snake plant to prevent dust accumulation. 


Buy this popular and our best selling indoor plant. It has air purifying properties also it needs minimal maintenance. Having snake plants around will make for a happy workplace. 


Also Read: How to decorate your room's corner with plants 



7. ZZ Zenzi

Best Stress-Relieving Plants for Offices and Workspaces - ZZ Zenzi

With its significant textured leaves, vibrant fresh look and succulent stems, the ZZ plant symbolizes graceful beauty. These unique indoor plants have glossy leaves and compact growth make it a versatile choice for any office.

Seeking a lucky day? The ZZ plant is acknowledged to bring support and luck surrounding its placement. 

Pro tip: Water every two to three weeks; allow the soil to dry. 


Gift this resilient and  low maintenance beauty that is a is a great gifting idea. It is acknowledged to bring support and luck surrounding its placement. 





That wraps up our list of perfect plants for your office. Nature is the guidebook to our living, as we continue to design spaces it becomes innate that they reflect these connections in order to foster health and wellbeing. Find out more at Greenkin.  

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Greenkin is just awesome. If you are a plant lover and love to have exotic, good quality, healthy indoor plants just blindly go for Greenkin.

- Sayanti Sikder

Both plant and pot are very good quality. I am impressed with Greenkin. Had ordered 3 plants, all are very healthy.

- Shobhit Gurung

I'm totally blown away with the packaging and handling of the plant. They are practically treated with care like one would extend to a child.

- Asmita Patwardhan

At last! Pleased that I finally received what I hoped for. My plant is glowing. Thank you for giving me hope.

- T. Mullick

I had ordered 4 Aglaonema plants a month ago. The plants were very healthy and well-packed. Plants from other sellers have never lasted so long.

- Kamesh

Very nice packaging. The plant is very healthy and super! This is my new favorite site.

- Dinesh Yegireddi

Bought 2 Anthurium plants. Received the plants in perfect condition with beautifully crafted cotton vase. Simply loved it.

- Debdip Roy

I am beyond delighted to see that the plant was perfect. It came in excellent condition. It looks healthy and gorgeous.

- Prachi Awasthi

I was so happy with my purchase that I immediately placed another order for a bundle of plants.

- Vinod

I tried Greenkin for the first time, and what an experience! superb quality plant and very nice packaging. You are my new favorite place to order plants online.

- Ratna Shah

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