Must Have Water Plants to Transform Your Garden
Health and wellness is of supreme importance not just for the body but also for the mind. Taking out time for your mind and breathing in fresh does wonders, think about gardens, and water plants within those gardens.
Read on to find the list of water plants that you must have in your garden.
1. Japanese irises

In Japan, the Iris species grow in gardens or existing in the wild. Prone to rotting in standing water and boggy soils, it is better to pot them in planters and later remove the Japanese iris rhizomes. The plant loves humus-rich soil and acidic water. For a beautiful border wall around your water garden try planting Japanese irises as they grow up to four feet tall, with leaves reaching up to 2 feet.
2. Pickerelweed
Pontederia cordata or the Pickerel weed is frequently used to stabilize retention ponds and banks of natural bodies of water. A beautiful eye treat with purple sprouting spear, this plant can grow five feet above the water in length.
Also Read: How to Create a Sensory Garden for Kids
3. Water lettuce
Cabbage! Ever thought of growing cabbage, we aren't talking about organic farming. Pistia stratiotes or water cabbage can grow
with dense, submerged roots beneath it while floating on the water surface. Without stems,
The plant has silky hairs on the surface that boost the plant's buoyancy and help to trap air. Thus, the maze created by water cabbage is ideally suited for fishes in the pond.
4. Water Lilies
Think pink, white, yellow, and red, water lilies bloom in a range of colors. Water lilies look lovely floating on the pond. Water lilies! Water lilies! Water lilies! For anyone who does not have much experience in plantcare water lilies are dependable and simple to grow.
Bringing in beauty, they help keep a backyard pond healthy; keeps the water clear by avoiding algae growth and they give shelter to fish. Moreover, the lily pads might become a resting place for tiny frogs and toads.
5. Umbrella Plant
Give it slightly acidic soil and moist warmth, and the plant will survive as long as it can. The Umbrella Plant, goes with its name and is a beautiful water plant. Similar to any other plant of a tropical nature, the Umbrella Plant needs proper care. Ideally, its dead stems should be pruned as needed.
Also Read: Watering Guide for Common Indoor Plants
6. Powdery thalia
The white powdery coating that covers the entire plant, gives it its name. Thalia or the powdered alligator flag or water canna, is the same plant that can reach six feet in height. You can plant it on the pond's edge or can choose to keep it submerged.
Checkout these Indoor Plants.
7. Corkscrew rush
The long blades twist and curl from the base to the blossoming foliage. Looking for a plant that will fit right into your water garden or container garden? Corkscrew Rush is your way to go, especially if you’re seeking an unruly, wild look. Juncus spiralis grows best in full sun and in areas with extreme heat
To wrap it up, plants bring an aura of friendliness and positivity, wherever they are put. This list comprises the best water plants that you must have in your garden.
Checkout more at Greenkin.