How to Care for Philodendron Rojo Congo
The plant is known for its dark green leaves with orange-red undersides due to which it also gets the name also called Philodendron Red Congo
Buy this popular and our one of the best selling indoor plant. It has beautiful dark green leaves and its a great air purifier.
1. Philodendron Rojo Congo Care Guide
Though the Philodendron Rojo Congo belongs to the Philodendron group of plants, it does not grow as a vine. Instead, it grows with erect shoots and brilliant-coloured leaves. As long as you shield the plant from extreme weather conditions it is pretty easy to care for. But what kind of sunlight and watering requirements does the plant have?
Read on to find out.
2. How to Grow (propagate) Philodendron Rojo Congo
When the plant starts to mature, you can use the stem division method to propagate the plant and expand your collection.
Division is the easiest method that can be used to help you grow your Philodendron Rojo Congo plant. The ancient technique of division involves separating a mature plant from the planter and very carefully splitting it into two at its stem. Easier said than done, right? The process is a little more demanding. Similar to any other propagation methods; division, is a crafty and skillful method and might be challenging for the unfamiliar.
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3. How much sunlight does Philodendron Rojo Congo need?
The plant loves a bright indoor spot or even a partially lit balcony space. Moderate to bright light keeps the leaves in their best colours. But direct sunlight easily burns the leaves. Too much direct sunlight can result in burning the leaves and turning it brown and dry.
4. How big does Philodendron Rojo Congo get?
The Philodendron Rojo Congo plant is known for its slow growth. But when supported with good fertilisers and optimal ambiance, the plant can grow up to 4 feet tall.
Checkout these Planters and Pots for your Philodendron Rojo Congo.
5. Is Philodendron Rojo Congo easy to care for?
Yes, the Philodendron Rojo Congo plant is quite easy to care for. If you are new to houseplants and wish to start with something huge enough to fill up your space beautifully, this plant is a good choice.
If the drainage in the pot is not sufficient or if the soil turns soggy from watering frequently or if you let a lot of water drip into the soil consistently while misting, the plant gets more water than it needs. Avoiding all this can avoid a sad plant.
6. How to Care for Philodendron Rojo Congo
Here are some tips and requirements to take care of your Philodendron Rojo Congo
For the leaves to retain their colour and sheen, the plant should be placed in moderate to high humidity levels. Though the plant can tolerate dry air to some extent, it’s best to mist the plant when the humidity levels drop.
The Philodendron Rojo Congo thrives when you give it the right amount of water. Water the plant once or twice a week during moderate weather conditions and more frequently, if required, in summer. One way to be sure that you are not overwatering the plant is to wait for the topsoil to feel slightly dry before watering the plant. Soggy soil harms the roots.
Philodendron Rojo Congo does well in moderate temperatures. The preferred temperature range for this plant is between 18 degrees to 27 degrees Celsius. If temperatures tend to fluctuate drastically at your place, it’s better to move the plant indoors.
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Concluding Note
To sum it up, Philodendron Rojo Congo is a stunning foliage plant perfect both for indoor and shaded outdoor settings. Elevate your space and get yourself a Philodendron Rojo Congo. Buy here.
Q1. How often should you water Philodendron Rojo Congo?
Ans.Water the plant once or twice a week during moderate weather conditions and more frequently.
Q2. What temperature range can Philodendron Rojo Congo tolerate?
Ans. The preferred temperature range for this plant is between 18 degrees to 27 degrees Celsius.
Q3. How often should you add fertiliser to Philodendron Rojo Congo ?
Ans. Considering the slow growth rate of the plant, it’s best to supplement it with a mild fertiliser on a monthly basis. But since there is hardly any growth taking place during the winter, it does not need to be fertilised once the temperature starts dropping.
Q4. What should you do if Philodendron Rojo Congo's leaves are turning yellow?
Ans. Like most houseplants, yellowing of the leaves in Philodendron Rojo Congo is mostly a sign of overwatering. Another possible cause can be insufficient lighting. This plant is not meant to be nurtured in a dark corner that receives no sunlight at all.
Q5. What should you do if Philodendron Rojo Congo's leaves are drooping?
Ans. Curled leaves in a Philodendron Rojo Congo plant are often due to under-watering. Don’t let the soil stay dry for a long time or the leaves start turning dull.
Q6. What should you do if Philodendron Rojo Congo's leaves have dry tips?
Ans. Dry and brown leaves can be due to both underwatering and overwatering. But if you have been watering it mindfully, then check if the plant is getting too much direct sunlight that’s probably burning the leaves turning it brown and dry.
Q7. Is Philodendron Rojo Congo safe for pets?
Ans. Philodendron Rojo Congo Is mildly toxic to pets, especially if consumed in large quantities. So, keeping the plant away from the reach of your pet is the safest option.